The Last Human Voice Podcast

Gerry Anderson: A Life Resurrected, with Jamie Anderson & Ben Field

Marcus Hutton, Dr Mathilde Pavis & Annette Rizzo

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How would it feel to see a digital deepfake of someone you love who has died?  What would you need to consider before  agreeing to create it?
Jamie Anderson and Ben Field can answer both of these questions and more. 

"Gerry Anderson: A Life Uncharted" is their 2022 documentary about the life and work of Gerry Anderson, TV and film producer, director, write and technical pioneer - and Jamie's father.

Together, Ben and Jamie crafted a fascinating and often moving documentary from hours of film footage, TV programmes, photos and interviews. They also created a deepfake version of Jamie's Dad to bring his own words back to life.

They talk in detail about their pioneering work in merging AI technology with content that is profoundly human.


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