The Last Human Voice Podcast

Is Ethical AI Good for Business? With Jamie Anderson & Ben Field

Marcus Hutton, Dr Mathilde Pavis & Annette Rizzo Season 1 Episode 17

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Much of the fear generated by AI is about theft; the companies that own  the technology will steal your image, replicate your voice and replace you with an AI version of you that takes your job.
But perhaps it doesn't have to be that way.

Since their collaboration on the documentary "Gerry Anderson: A Life Uncharted", Ben Field and Jamie Anderson have continued to work together under the banner of their production company, Deep Fusion Films. Their pioneering use of AI, coupled with their ethical approach to its use in film making means that they are now regularly consulted by industry partners and organisations looking to use AI responsibly.

They talk to us about how their own approach has developed, how they envisage the future of AI in film and whether they have found an "ick" line in AI use that they're not prepared to cross...

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